Who is Julio Manrique
When all the cards are out, you obviously can no longer semi-bluff. You have either made your hand or you haven’t. So all bluffs on the end are pure bluffs. They are bets or raises that you do not expect to win if you are called. It takes experience to know when to give up on a bluff and when to pursue it. When your first bet is called, presumably your opponent has something.
If you sense he’s getting stronger and you don’t improve, give it up. If you sense he’s weak and staying weak and if you think he thinks you’re strong, continue the bluff and hope to drive him out. A frequency that makes it impossible for your opponents to know whether to call or fold.
Mathematically, optimal bluffing strategy is to bluff in such a way that the chances against your bluffing are identical to the pot odds your opponent is getting. You fold with the full knowledge that you have not cost yourself any money. The second opponent frequently bluffs. Once again your response is easy: You call, knowing you are going to win that last bet so often that calling must result in a long-run profit. The third player is the problem.