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Unfortunately, the play that is likely to be right most of the time is not always the correct play. When you have a choice of plays, you also have to decide how bad it will be if you make a mistake. Here is an obvious example. If your opponent bets on the end and you think the chances are better than 50-50 that that opponent has the best hand, the correct play most of the time is to fold and save a bet.
However, it costs you not just one bet but the whole pot when folding turns out to be a mistake that is, when you fold the best hand. One of the most difficult things for the average poker player to do is to make sure that it is an accurate decisions at the game in the heat of a hand.
Many good and bad players alike simply decide what they think their opponent has and then go on to determine their best play on the assumption that their opponent has the hand they’re assuming he has. However, as we saw in the chapter on reading hands, this is a bad and potentially costly way of going about the business of decision-making.